After school programming has begun remotely. Students can sign up for after school programming by filling out paper forms (email srivera@ms421.org) or applying online.
We have also started several remote extra curricular classes online. During the school day students are invited to Wellness programming, Social Emotional Learning in an advisory class called Titan Time, and an elective class known as Titan Studio.
Extra Curricular
Distance Learning
Click below to visit google classrooms and also learn how to access the various online learning accounts through West Prep and the NYCDOE. If you need technical assistance reach out to ccosta@ms421.org
Remote learning began on September 16 and will continue until the next DOE announcement.
Family Resources
Families, this page is updated by Ms. Reyes the parent coordinator. Please click the link below to learn more about resources online for families and ways to get help during the Covid-19 crisis.